Above all, it will give you important awareness about what these results actually mean to you. Then use the markings to draw a curved line in each box to visually create a wheel. Rank your level of satisfaction within each area of your life between 0-10. Imagine the center of the wheel as 0 and the outer edge as 10. It encourages us to consider all areas of life. That’s it, almost finished! Now, prepare a drink, sit in a relaxed posture and do some reflection. The 8 sections in the wheel represent various areas of our life. Your wheel should look like the following arbitrary example: The Wheel of Life model contains eight segments which, together, represent one way of describing a whole life.

6) Ask the team to identify 1 domain that draws their attention. The 8 sections in the Wheel of Life represent balance.
However, feel free to change any of them, in a way that suits you best. The wheel contains eight areas of life, which are considered quite important. It is a pizza shaped graph, with each of its eight segments representing one major area of life:
The Wheel of Life pdf will allow the user to identify the most important pillars of their life and then assign a score of 1-10.

This helps identify the areas of life that are pulling the life back and are the cause of a life of compromise. But in order to be happy, we need to have a satisfactory overall performance. The Wheel of Life is the perfect tool for laying out one’s life in a visual manner. We often focus too intensely in one area and overlook some of the others. It helps us to visualize how we spend our energy and time across its most important areas. It provides an effective way to see the big picture of your life. How do I complete a Wheel of Life exercise?ġ.The Wheel of Life is a powerful coaching tool. This is a really important category and relates to what gives you energy what you enjoy doing. Some choose to include a dimension of Spirituality, instead. If you find this dimension a little bit vague, you could rename it Learning or Self-Development. This category can be merged into the Relationships category if you choose, or you can rename it Love, Significant Other, Life Partner, Wife/Husband, etc., according to your personal preference and current situation. The wheel has two predominant axes: keep/change and positive/negative, which divide the wheel into four main. The Family & Friends category can also be renamed Relationships, as it describes your relationship with people that are close to you. The Wheel of Change (below) is a useful tool created by award-winning coach Marshall Goldsmith, and is designed for individuals to assess their particular skills and behaviours, and therefore to plan their personal development. You can choose to give your health an overall rating, or split the dimension into Physical Health and Mental/Emotional Health. In the Finances dimension, rate your satisfaction with the way you handle money, or how financially secure you feel.

If you feel like a different name is more appropriate/applicable to your own situation, like Volunteering or Entrepreneurship, feel free to change it to that instead. Especially at this time, when most of us are working from home, it's very important to evaluate how satisfied you are with your physical surroundings. The Physical Environment dimension encompasses your personal and/or work environment.